Viktor Nesterchuk

  • VICTOR NESTERCHUK                                                                                             
  • CONTEMPORARY ARTIST                                                                                   

Victor’s Art Statement:

My name is Viktor Nesterchuk, and I was born on December 29th, 1994 in Rivne, Ukraine. For me, art is all about emotions – the ones I experience while creating my paintings and the ones I hope to evoke in those who view them.

I have been painting for almost three years now, but my journey with art began in childhood when I won several competitions. Later on, I explored different professions, including music, but eventually, I returned home and started painting again. It’s been three years since then, and I have dedicated myself entirely to this craft.

I work in all styles, creating only what I want and what brings me emotional fulfillment. Over the past year, with the war in Ukraine, it has been challenging to live and create. Despite this, I have found opportunities and continued to push through the difficulties. I hate the war, and it has been emotionally exhausting, but I am determined to keep creating.

Art is in my blood, as my entire family has a creative background, and I could not imagine doing anything else. I hope my paintings will inspire and evoke emotions in those who view them, just as they do for me when I create them.